Paediatric Intensive Care
ETM Course Gold Coast
Medical Professional
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3 days
ETM Course was launched in November 2013 and brings a fresh approach to the teaching of trauma manag...
Provider: Emergency Trauma Management
2024 QLD Paediatric Critical Care Seminar – Wisdoms from the Weird, Wild and Wonderful
1 day
The ACCCN QLD Branch would like you to join them for their Paediatric Critical Care Seminar 'Wisdoms...
Provider: ACCCN - Australian College of Critical Care Nurses
ANZICS/ACCCN Intensive Care Annual Scientific Meeting
Medical Professional
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3 days
The ANZICS/ACCCN Intensive Care Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) brings together doctors, nurses and ...
Provider: ANZICS - The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
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