Haematology Pathology
RhD Immunoglobulin
1 H, 30 Mins
This course is based on the Prophylactic use of RhD immunoglobulin in pregnancy care, and provides e...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Aspect Liquid Biopsy – Part One – The Revolutionary Aspect of Molecular Oncology
20 Mins
Watch part one of a two part video series on Aspect Liquid Biopsy presented by Associate Professor M...
Provider: Australian Clinical Laboratories
Aspect Liquid Biopsy – Part Two – The Revolutionary Aspect of Molecular Oncology
20 Mins
Watch part two of a two part video series on Aspect Liquid Biopsy presented by Associate Professor M...
Provider: Australian Clinical Laboratories
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Paediatric
In Australia the prevalence of anaemia in children under five-years of age is approximately 8%, or m...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Chronic blood loss as result of heavy menstrual bleeding affects 25% of women of reproductive age. T...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Maternity
Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are common in pregnancy and are associated with adverse ...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Chronic and Complex
Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are more difficult to diagnose when they are masked by c...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Patient Blood Management Essentials
Patient Blood Management (PBM) is individualised and evidence-based care that has been shown to impr...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Patient Blood Management: Medical – Medical Introduction
This introductory course will help you understand and apply the principles of blood management to th...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Clinical Transfusion Practice
This course will provide you with knowledge of safe transfusion practice and appropriate use of bloo...
Provider: BloodSafe eLearning Australia
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